
Saturday, October 5, 2013

Quick and Easy Fruit Dip

You may have noticed, I've been on a blog hiatus for a while. I really didn't intended for it to last three months, but somehow the time sped by while I was otherwise engaged. Not sure at what, exactly, but it obviously wasn't cooking or blogging!  

We had a long hot summer, par for the course here in the Deep South, and I did as little cooking as possible, just enough to keep us all fed.  Just lately, though, I've been in a bit of an entertaining mode.  We had someone over to dinner not just once, but twice (one was family, so that may not count); I helped just a little in the planning of food for a bridal shower for one of my nieces...

...aren't they a pretty couple? (sorry, just couldn't resist)

and we've been having some friends, old and new, over on Friday nights for a Torah study at our house.  

One of the recipes we pulled out of our family archives for the bridal shower was this super easy, super delicious sweet fruit dip.  Then I made it again yesterday for our study group. It's so much better than the pre-made fruit dips, and makes twice or three times as much for the same price.

  • 8 oz cream cheese, softened
  • 1 can sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 container whipped topping
Beat cream cheese with an electric mixer until creamy and soft. Add sweetened, condensed milk and mix until well blended.  Fold in whipped topping. (I just used my electric mixer on low speed).  Cover and refrigerate at least an hour.

(I almost made myself sick while I was making this.  First I had to dig our every bit of the sweetened condensed milk, and lick that spatula clean.  Then the beaters and the mixing bowl.  Fruit, who needs fruit?)

I served it with strawberries, apple slices, and grapes.  I had kiwi but I forgot to peel and slice it. I think this would be good with any variety of fruit, and even some cubed pound cake.  Or better yet, serve sliced fruit over the pound cake, and use the dip as a sauce over the top. 

And yes, it is even better with fruit that just licked off the beaters. 

Until next time, good (un)cooking, and good eating!

This post is linked to:

Foodie Friday at Rattlebridge Farm
The Weekend re-Treat at the Best Blog Recipes
Sweet and Savory Saturdays at Dessert Now, Dinner Later
See Ya in the Gumbo at Ms enPlace
Church Supper at Everyday Mom's Meals
In & Out of the Kitchen at Feeding Big


  1. They are a cute couple! The dip looks delicious and studying the Torah sounds like a wonderful way to spend an evening.

    1. We've been enjoying our Torah study tremendously. It really helps to concentrate on just prescribed portion of scripture at a time, and knowing that people all over the world are studying the same portion each week really brings a feeling of spiritual kinship!

  2. Nice picture of the happy couple!
    Summer time in the south can really drain me when it comes to cooking too. You dip is the perfect thing to make when it's hot out. Chilled dip with fresh fruit...sounds refreshing! Thank you for stopping by and linking with See Ya in the Gumbo. Glad you are back blogging!

    1. Thank you for stopping by and for hosting each week! I'm glad to be getting back into the swing of things, too!
